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Harvey Milk Plaza Reimagining

Community Input Continues 1/27 3:00 Most Holy Redeemer: The Next Community Meeting is on Saturday, January 27th 3:00 – 4:30 p.m., Most Holy Redeemer Church 100 Diamond St.
The Friends of Harvey Milk Plaza held two community meetings in January 2017. These meetings shaped the brief for the international competition. Now that the winning team has been selected, FHMP is continuing the community input process through community meetings, online, and other public forums. Plan on attending all opportunities possible. Four meetings… (read more)are planned to get your input into how best to honor Harvey Milk and insure the plaza serves to inspire generations to come about Harvey’s messages of inclusion, equality and hope.
Three meeting dates are announced now:  1/27, 3/3 and 4/7, the fourth meeting date is TBA. All Saturdays, All 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. All meetings will be held at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, 100 Diamond St.
FHMP is also planning opportunities for people to provide feedback online, so watch for information and announcements, go to and sign up to Stay Informed.
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